Welcome to West Texas Vet Supply

We are a small, family owned business based out of Abilene, Texas.

When you shop and save with us, you will wonder

how you haven’t found us earlier!

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Please call if you have any issues 325-677-8677**

New Products

C&E Equine Ultra-Fit


Contains needed bacteria for efficient digestion and nutrient absorption to help maintain normal equine health.

  • Specifically formulated to support gut health and absorption of nutrients to maintain normal health.
  • Supports equine’s peak condition for all seasons.
  • Promotes normal stools.
  • Helps maintain normal muscle definition, strength and stamina.
  • Promotes healthy skin, coat, mane, and tail.
  • Supports gut health of horse’s that have a history of gastric ulcers, colic, and tying-up.

WTVS Hoodie

O F F I C I A L   WTVS Merchandise! These hoodies are soft, warm and the perfect addition to


Available in 8oz, 16oz and 32oz liquid spray


Will either be Elastikon or Elastiant Comes in 1inch, 2inch, 3inch or 4inch

Co-Flex Flexible Adhesive Bandage Vet Wrap

4" x 5 yards Available in Black, White, Red, Hot Pink, Purple, Lime Green, Blue and Light Blue

Equine Hemp Solutions Derm Spray

Proudly used by Lari Dee Guy, Martha Angelone, Sissy Winn, Michelle Alley, Jessica Routier and Kolby Moore. Endorsed and partnered with PRCA, WPRA, World Series Team Roping, and Cinch Ranch Shorting National Championships.  

Equine Hemp Solutions HempFlavin Liquid

Proudly used by Lari Dee Guy, Martha Angelone, Sissy Winn, Michelle Alley, Jessica Routier and Kolby Moore. Endorsed and partnered with PRCA, WPRA, World Series Team Roping, and Cinch Ranch Shorting National Championships.

Equine Hemp Solutions Performance Plus Pellet

Proudly used by Lari Dee Guy, Martha Angelone, Sissy Winn, Michelle Alley, Jessica Routier and Kolby Moore. Endorsed and partnered with PRCA, WPRA, World Series Team Roping, and Cinch Ranch Shorting National Championships. Currently only available in 2#

Equine Hemp Solutions Premium Pellet

Proudly used by Lari Dee Guy, Martha Angelone, Sissy Winn, Michelle Alley, Jessica Routier and Kolby Moore. Endorsed and partnered with PRCA, WPRA, World Series Team Roping, and Cinch Ranch Shorting National Championships. Currently only available in 2#

Equine Hemp Solutions Hempflavin Pellet

Proudly used by Lari Dee Guy, Martha Angelone, Sissy Winn, Michelle Alley, Jessica Routier and Kolby Moore. Endorsed and partnered with PRCA, WPRA, World Series Team Roping, and Cinch Ranch Shorting National Championships. Currently only available in 2#

Vita Flex Lactanase Packet

Sold as ONE individual pack The first pre-performance supplement for horses during intense activity when the energy needed is greater than the oxygen available to produce it. Important to the conversion of pyruvate (product of glycolysis) to acetyl coenzyme A. Blend with feed as needed. Powder

Vita Flex Recovery Packet

Sold as ONE individual pack Vita Flex Pro Recovery provides key ingredients to support muscle tissue repair and recovery after stressful exercise. Helps maintain muscle strength and metabolism while helping to provide and environment to foster recovery by enhancing antioxidant effectiveness. Diminishes the negative damaging effects of some free radicals. Safe to use with Lactanase pre-performance supplement. Powder