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Featured Products

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Absorbine Veterinary Liniment

• Fast relief of temporary muscular and joint soreness, swelling and stiffness • Deep penetrating heat soothes the pain and swelling of tissues due to arthritis • Clean and treat skin conditions like rain rot, scratches and summer itch • Antiseptic for minor cuts • Helps prevent hoof and sole fungal infections

Agita Fly Bait

Agita 10 WG insecticide is a first choice for house fly control in animal housing for beef, dairy, poultry and

Agri-Mectin (Ivermectin 1%) 50 ml

AGRI-MECTIN is an injectable parasiticide for cattle and swine. One low-volume dose effectively treats and controls the following internal and

Aura Cinch

  • Tough, durable mesh exterior holds up to wear and tear
  • Perforated foam center is soft yet durable allowing air to flow freely
  • Perforated neoprene with a jersey lining remains soft, smooth and supple against the skin
  • Dries quickly after use or washing
  • Stainless steel hardware

B-Free Of Flies Fly Spray

Family Owned - EPA Approved - Made in the USA The same great product for over 30 years!


Available in 8oz, 16oz and 32oz liquid spray

Bigeloil Liquid 16oz

  • Reduce pain and swelling of sore muscles, joints, legs and arthritis
  • Excellent under wraps

Bigeloil Liquid Gel

  • Reduces pain and swelling of sore muscles, joints, legs and arthritis
  • Excellent under wraps

Enjoy the best quality and features made by WoodMart.

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